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Purpose:To read Snap files and using Expert Help, produce usable
        Expert Help Guides, With the least amount of manual work as

        Eh_Snap allows you to edit the output EHS files, if you so desire.
        ACT.EHS contains all the ACT files.
        DOC.EHS contains all the DOC files except the following:
        DATADICT.EHS contains the DATADICT.DOC information.
        XREF.EHS (if available) contains the XREF.DOC information.
        SDF.EHS contains the DATADICT.SDF information.
        Plus a Menu file <name>.EHS that you name.

        Eh_snap produces thru Expert Help the following:
        an error file for each of the previous files.

        By telling Eh_Snap not overwrite the Menu file, you can
        make/modify your own menu and have it automatically linked.
        Thus adding other Expert Help EHO's and still maintain an
        updated NG.

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson